How and Why to Fit LASIK Into a Student Budget

July 17, 2018 | LASIK

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LASIK for San Diego College Students

At Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute, we are honored to be a trusted provider of comprehensive eye care for the San Diego community, including students at the many great colleges and universities in Southern California. Whether you’re an undeclared college freshman still figuring out how to find free pizza on campus or a grad student balancing thesis research with a teaching assistant position, chances are your stress level is high and your budget is low. Maybe you’ve considered LASIK, but you haven’t had time to research options. Perhaps you are pretty sure LASIK is right for you, but you figure you’ll wait until after graduation. As a leading provider of laser vision correction, we’d love to share some ways that LASIK can improve your life NOW and give you some tips on how to afford LASIK on a student budget.

Why Should I Get LASIK?

If glasses and contacts are part of your life, LASIK can improve life in a lot of ways. We’ve performed thousands of laser vision correction procedures, and patients often say that their only regret is not getting LASIK sooner! Here are just a few examples of how LASIK can improve college life:
Young women stretching in bed - Make Mornings Better With LASIK Graphic.

LASIK Can Save Time in a Busy Class Schedule

  • Cut down on bathroom time If you use contacts, then you know how important it is to wash your hands and use sterile solution, but when you’re sharing a bathroom with a roommate, or jockeying for time in the dorm facilities, a streamlined morning routine is key. (Plus have you ever dropped a contact lens in a communal sink? Ew.)
  • Get more sleep (without missing class) Early morning classes causing you pain? Imagine waking up without fumbling for glasses or contacts. An easier morning routine can equal a few more precious moments of snoozing.
  • Stop Scrambling For New Lenses If you have ever broken a pair of glasses and had to miss out on weekend plans in order to travel to your parents house for your backup pair, you know it is no fun. You can also save yourself the time and hassle that comes from ordering contact lenses and realizing later that they are being shipped to an old address.

Group of young people - Life Can Be Better With LASIK

Study Hard AND Have More Fun With LASIK

  • Ace that class LASIK can save you the frustration of viewing presentations with dry contacts or an outdated prescription. Sit anywhere and take notes that will make you the hero of your study group. If you’re the science type, LASIK can help you escape the frustration of looking through a microscope with glasses.
  • Stay out all night without worry Occasionally you may find yourself waking up at a friends house after a long night of, ahem, studying. We don’t know which is worse, contacts glued to your eyes or realizing you have no idea where your glasses are and you can’t see well enough to find them. With LASIK you can make that walk home in the morning with clear vision!
  • Pack lighter for last minute trips Does any time in life present more opportunities for spontaneous road trips than college? If you forget to pack your toothbrush you can buy one on the road, but forget your contacts and you’re out of luck. With LASIK you can get in on an impromptu camping excursion, snatch up that last minute ticket to Coachella, or grab a seat in a friend’s car heading up the coast without worry.    

A young couple on bikes looking at each other - Looking Good Is Easy With LASIK Graphic.

Look Good With LASIK

  • Accessorize with ease Those new sunnies won’t look so cute when you try to wear them over your eyeglasses. Contacts aren’t always best for the beach either – they dry out in the salt air, make getting sand in your eye 1000x worse, and the beach day is over if you lose one in the surf.  
  • Apply eye makeup without effort If you are a nearsighted glasses wearer with a strong prescription then you know the pain of getting your face close enough to the mirror to see what you’re doing without poking yourself in the eye with a mascara wand. With LASIK you may be able to watch a YouTube makeup tutorial from across the room while perfecting your brow game.  
  • Get buff! Or at least stay in shape! Even if hitting the campus gym isn’t your idea of fun, San Diego is a great place stay active outdoors. Surf, hike, run, swim and bike without worrying about contacts or glasses.

Male writing on white board - Budgeting For LASIK - No Math Degree Required Graphic.

How Can I Afford LASIK on a Student Budget?

LASIK can seem like a big upfront cost, but depending on your average spending on contacts and glasses, it can pay for itself in the long run. Here are our tips to make LASIK work for your budget:

  • Watch for Specials At Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute, we sometimes have special promotions that can reduce the cost of LASIK. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay in the know.  
  • Financing We partner with independent medical lenders to offer financing that can make monthly payments for LASIK less than your daily avocado toast! Learn more about LASIK financing.
  • Make the Most of Gift Opportunities If you’re lucky enough to have parents who still ask you for a holiday wish list, put LASIK at the top of your list! Mom and Dad will be impressed with your practicality and happy to invest in your bright future with clear vision.

Why Choose Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute for LASIK?

The team at Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute has performed over 75,000 laser vision correction surgeries and we are widely considered to be San Diego’s leading LASIK providers. We utilize the most up to date technology and we pride ourselves on superior patient care. Learn more about choosing a LASIK surgeon or contact us today to schedule a consultation. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about LASIK.