Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute Supports the San Diego Eye Bank®

April 01, 2019 | In the Community

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About the San Diego Eye Bank®

As California’s largest eye bank, The San Diego Eye Bank is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of sight. They have helped restore vision for over 25,000 people by organizing the donation and distribution of corneal and other ocular tissue. An invaluable resource for Californians with corneal diseases or injuries, they also support medical research, maintain a diagnostic and therapeutic eye center, and sponsor educational programs.

The Importance of Cornea Donation

Donated corneas can restore sight for people affected by eye injuries or diseases such as Fuchs’ dystrophy or keratoconus. The eye banking community in the United States helps to provide sight to over 75,000 patients worldwide on an annual basis. The San Diego Eye Bank and its Board of Directors are committed to continuing advancements in eye banking, which can only be accomplished with the selfless act of eye donors and their families. Unlike many organs, cornea donation has a 95% success rate and does not require a blood type match. When you pledge to donate organs in the case of your death, your cornea donation can give the precious gift of sight to someone in need.

How is GSNVI Involved With the San Diego Eye Bank®?

The team at Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute is honored to support the important work of the San Diego Eye Bank. Eye doctors from GSNVI have served on the Board of Directors of the San Diego Eye Bank for over 20 years.

“The San Diego Eye Bank is in a unique position to have their Board of Directors be comprised of ophthalmologists. As such, SDEB remains at the forefront of advancements in ocular health and science. Dr. David Schanzlin and Dr. Julio Echegoyen along with GSNVI remain a leader in the field of ophthalmology which in turn has influenced and helped SDEB provide better service to all of our clients and their patients.” -Megan, San Diego Eye Bank Account Manager

Our Eye Doctors

At Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute, we recognize that the important work of The San Diego Eye Bank is critical in helping to maintain a high quality supply of donor corneas for cornea transplants. Dr. David Schanzlin has been a long-time member and advocate of The San Diego Eye Bank. He has been involved with their Board of Directors for over 20 years and currently serves as president of the board. Dr. Julio Echegoyen has recently become involved in this important cause as well and has been nominated to the Board of Directors. Dr. Echegoyen and The San Diego Eye Bank are also jointly sponsoring an annual social meeting of San Diego’s ophthalmologists in order to facilitate knowledge sharing of the latest topics and innovations in ophthalmology.

Contact Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute in San Diego

If you have any questions about cornea donation, treatment of corneal diseases and injuries, or would like more information on the charitable activities of our practice, please contact us.