Category: Dry Eye

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8 reasons to see a doctor for Dry Eyes - eye outline with eye drops

8 Signs You Should See a Doctor for Dry Eyes

July 06, 2017 | Dry Eye

You may suffer from dry eyes even if you don’t think your eyes are dry! Dry eyes are a common condition that in some cases is temporary. Circumstances like staring at screens, allergies, flying in an airplane, or experiencing the...

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Dry Eyes - outline of eye with drops

Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eyes

June 22, 2017 | Dry Eye

You may suffer from dry eyes even if you don’t think your eyes are dry! Dry eyes are a common condition that in some cases is temporary. Circumstances like staring at screens, allergies, flying in an airplane, or experiencing the...

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women standing at the beach rubbing her irritated eyes

LipiFlow and Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome

August 18, 2015 | Dry Eye

“It has been years since my eyes have felt comfortable – I had no idea how irritated and gritty my eyes had been until they felt good. Several days following my Lipiflow® treatment my eyes felt comfortable. For the first...

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women looking at computer screen - lipiflow

Dry Eye Treatment with the LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System

July 14, 2015 | Dry Eye

What is LipiFlow? It is estimated that 5 million Americans suffer from Dry Eye; a number that is likely to increase due to prolonged computer use and reliance on digital technologies such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops, which have...

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Relieving Irritated Eyes Due to Poor Air Quality From Local Fires and Wind

May 27, 2014 | Dry Eye

Many patients suffer from dry irritated eyes on a regular basis, but it’s made even worse during the local wildfires. You can find relief by following a few simple steps: Cover your eyes with protective goggles or eyewear if air...

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Combating Dry Eye Syndrome: Do You Have Dry Eyes?

March 30, 2010 | Dry Eye

Have you ever experienced a stinging, burning feeling in your eyes? More often than not the feeling is caused by a condition called Dry Eye Syndrome. Many people may mistake symptoms of Dry Eye for getting a foreign substance like...

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