Dislike Your Reading Glasses? Learn About the Latest Investigative Treatment for Presbyopia

June 19, 2014 | Latest News

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In our last blog post titled, “What Causes Presbyopia?”, our eye surgeon, Dr. Michael Gordon, explained why this condition occurs as we age. In addition to laser surgery and lens implants, one of the latest investigative treatments for presbyopia is the Presbia Flexivue Microlens™. Dr. Gordon, who is actively involved in this clinical research trial, says the study’s aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Presbia® implant in allowing patients to see at near distances.

“In this new investigative procedure, you literally create a pocket in the cornea and insert a very clear, thin, small lens,” says Dr. Gordon. “You’re not removing any tissue. It’s something that is potentially reversible and it’s also potentially upgradeable, meaning you may be able to put a certain power lens in when you’re 45, and come back five years later to put a stronger, new lens in. That’s the theory behind the Presbia® implant.”

Currently, the study is seeking to recruit adult patients interested in reducing their dependency on glasses. “Ideal candidates are people between the ages 40 and 60 who essentially have no prescription for distance, so they don’t need distance glasses,” says Dr. Gordon. “They currently need reading glasses and have healthy eyes; they can’t have had previous LASIK surgery, for instance. Those are the basic criteria.”

If you would like more information on the Presbia® clinical research study, or to learn more about the presbyopia treatment options available at Gordon-Weiss-Schanzlin Institute, please contact us today.