Andy “The Tooth Fairy” Murad – A Professional MMA Fighter and His PRK Experience

March 27, 2015 | Featured Patients

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Professional fighter in front of Banner - PRKAs a family man, professional MMA Fighter, and business owner, Andy “The Tooth Fairy” Murad has a busy, fulfilling life. He’s also had to deal with nearsightedness for many years, and it got to the point where the frustration was no longer worth it. “I’ve had glasses off and on. Throughout high school, I needed glasses. I’ve always had horrible vision and I’ve just hated wearing glasses. My wife always complained about me being a horrible driver, she would tell me that I’d always hit the brakes at the last second… it’s mainly because I just had trouble seeing. I’m nearsighted, so wherever I’m headed, whenever I see a street sign – whether it be day or night – I’m always flinching my eyes, especially at night. It’s just frustrating – looking at a sign across the street and having to walk across the street just to see what the sign says.”

Fortunately for Andy, his life was about to change. An optometrist friend, Aaron Werner, OD, referred Andy to Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute Institute. Dr. Werner says that PRK was probably the best option for Andy, based on his individual needs, his jobs and hobbies, and other factors: “Both [LASIK and PRK] have positives and negatives, and I evaluate both as my goal is to maintain optimum ocular health while providing the best visual outcomes. When an individual’s [prescription], desires, ocular health, and expected outcomes all agree, I recommend they pursue the refractive surgery process by speaking with an excellent surgeon.” In Andy’s case, that surgeon turned out to be our own Dr. Michael Gordon, who agreed that PRK would be his best option.

two professional fighters

Andy says, after some initial trepidation, he found the PRK procedure to be quick and comfortable, and the recovery to be uneventful. Today, Andy is seeing the world in a much clearer light, and he and his family are reaping the benefits of that. “It’s crazy being able to see the world the way I get to see it now, without the glasses. I went out for a jog the other day, and it was the funniest thing… I was staring at the beautiful trees, and everything just looked so much nicer. Being able to see [the world] with a fresh pair of eyes is wonderful.

Andy says having PRK has changed his life. He can see much better at night, allowing him to drive his wife and kids around without feeling like he’s endangering them. He can clearly see people who approach him and he doesn’t have to squint to know who they are. And… he says he no longer has to worry about losing his glasses!

You can read a more detailed account of Andy’s PRK story here. If you would like more information on PRK and other vision correction procedures, or if you would like to schedule a consultation here at our practice, please contact us today.