Category: Implantable Contact Lenses

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What is the Difference Between the Various Types of IOLs?

April 07, 2016 | Cataract Surgery

An intraocular lens (IOL) is an advanced option for patients to improve their vision without heavy dependence on glasses and contact lenses. While these lens implants can be very beneficial for patients who may not be candidates for laser vision...

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1/2 of a young mans face - ICL

Ideal Candidates for Implantable Contact Lenses (ICLs)

October 23, 2014 | Implantable Contact Lenses

While LASIK is a popular option for vision correction surgery, not everyone is an ideal candidate for the procedure. As I detailed in my previous blog post, implantable contact lenses (ICLs) can often be a great alternative for patients who...

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Alternative to LASIK Surgery

October 16, 2014 | Implantable Contact Lenses

Many people think of implantable contact lenses in conjunction with cataract surgery, though they are also used in vision correction procedures for patients who do not have cataracts. More and more of our patients at Gordon-Weiss- Schanzlin Vision Institute are...

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Give us a call at: 858.455.6800 or fill out the form below to request a vision consultation!