Alternative to LASIK Surgery

October 16, 2014 | Implantable Contact Lenses

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Closeup of young beautiful eyesMany people think of implantable contact lenses in conjunction with cataract surgery, though they are also used in vision correction procedures for patients who do not have cataracts. More and more of our patients at Gordon-Weiss- Schanzlin Vision Institute are motivated to get rid of their glasses and contact lenses; however, not every patient who visits our office is an ideal candidate for LASIK surgery. Implantable contact lenses (otherwise know as ICLs or refractive lens implants) can be a LASIK alternative for patients who may not be eligible for LASIK surgery but still wish to improve their vision without wearing glasses or dealing with the daily hassle of standard contact lenses.

In fact, ICLs can often improve a person’s vision more than glasses or contacts, providing a “high definition” experience. The surgery generally takes about fifteen minutes, is considered virtually painless, and many of our patients are seeing 20/20 within an hour after the procedure. Unlike LASIK, ICL surgery is also reversible in the rare circumstance that a patient decides he or she is unhappy with the results – although the vast majority of our patients are thrilled to see more clearly than they ever have before.

– Dr. Michael Gordon

Contact Our Office

If you would like more information on ICL surgery, or to learn more about your vision correction options, please contact us today.