Having Cataract Surgery at the Outpatient Surgery Center of La Jolla? Here’s What to Expect:

October 09, 2014 | Cataract Surgery

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When you elect to have your advanced cataract procedure with one of our expert GWSVI surgeons at the Outpatient Surgery Center of La Jolla (OSCLJ), you will also see a familiar face, Sherri Harvey, one of the GWSVI technician team. She has been in ophthalmology for twenty-two years, sixteen of which was working with Dr. David Schanzlin. She assists the surgeons of GWSVI with Intraocular Lens Implant (IOL) selection, as well as helping with the LenSx laser and ORA technologies, for our patients who have selected the newest surgical options. From check-in to recovery, everyone has one goal in mind, to provide you with a state-of-the-art cataract procedure in a convenient and comfortable setting.

  • You will be greeted by members of the OSCLJ team and take care of financial matters at the front desk.
  • The nursing staff will prepare you pre-operatively to make sure you are comfortable.
  • An anesthesiologist will review your needs for conscious sedation, so that you are not in any pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  • The GWSVI surgeons meet with you to let you know what to expect and confirm your lens choice, as well as give you the opportunity to ask any questions.
  • The procedure is performed. For patients selecting the advanced laser cataract treatment, the initial step will be completed with the LenSx laser, providing greater accuracy and precision, as well as starting the break up of the cataract. Next, the measurements will be performed with ORA technology to confirm the power of the Intraocular lens. If any changes are required, adjustments can be made at this time.
  • The nursing team will provide warm blankets and move you to a comfortable recliner in recovery. Your driver can meet you here. You will receive your post-op kit and instructions to return to GWSVI the following day for your post-op appointment. Sunglasses to protect your eyes, rewetting drops and shields to protect your eyes at night will be provided.
  • The total procedure, including pre-op, surgery and post-op recovery will take two and a half to three hours. When you arrive home, you will want to rest the remainder of the day.

By utilizing world-class technologies our physicians are fully capable of customizing your treatment plan for optimum results. If you are ready for advanced cataract treatment, we are prepared to provide you with the best experience possible.